You will have your own private space in a townhouse at 2111 Holly Hall St. For more information, please email me, send me a personal message or reply to this post. Immediate availability. The apartment is partially furnished (we have a bed, and some other things, that you can use).
Your share of the rent will be $282 + one third of all utilities (electricity, water, internet)., is a recently launched website which provides unique platform for connecting Indians worldwide. Its main service, classifieds, is uniquely designed to provide personalized service to its users. e.g. a student from UH can post a classified, with its title containing 'UH'. And then if any other student searches classifieds by the keyword 'UH', UH classified will be returned. So this in effect makes it classifieds service for NRI students for their own university/college.
Other features include, free posting, unlimited text, search by location and radius (e.g. university address + 2 miles), restaurants search, yelp and foursquare reviews/tips for restaurants etc. And we are continously trying to make this a better platform for connecting the Indian diaspora worldwide.
We invite you and all Indian students at UH/GISO to try this out and provide your valuable feedback to make this a better service. As an example, we have posted your classified on our website (courtesy:
As you would notice, the same item will be returned when searched for 'University of Houston'!! (Btw, replies will not work for this post, as your email id is not posted on the website.)
Looking forward to serving you and other UH Indian students!
LEDs light up very quickly. A typical red indicator LED Flashlights will achieve full brightness in microseconds; LEDs used in communications devices can have even faster response times. LEDs can be very small and are easily populated onto printed circuit boards. Cree LED Flashlights do not contain mercury, while compact fluorescent lamps CFLs do.